From Local to Global in e-Commerce

From Local to Global in e-Commerce

It can be challenging to start a new business in e-Commerce area, however after completing first orders, sales begin to increase gradually. However, selling a few products is sometimes not enough, a sustainable income is essential for the market you targeted since your shop or business unveils to be in need of expansion. And this is exactly what we need marketing strategies for. To expand our number of customers and reach out to next level in this area, we need marketing strategies.

Marketing Strategies

Sellers on e-Commerce platforms are benefit from a kind of marketing strategies. To explain them in a short, marketing operations are consisted of many areas and strategies, including social media, content management, SEO, marketing analysis, marketing research, advertising, and etc. Using these strategies and operations provide more customer interaction. However in these platforms, it should not be forgotten that they must also focus on globalization and localization, especially Amazon, Etsy, and etc.

New Language = New Market

Globalization and localization process allows you to grow your business worldwide and provides new perspective by customers as they see the shop language adapted into their own language. Furthermore, if localization process is carried out by a language professional, it makes shop more understandable and increase positive reviews in the shop. For example, on Etsy, when a Turkish customer see that the shop was translated into Turkish, he will probably enter into that shopping because this shop is more remarkable for him/her. And he/she can consider that this shop is also open to conversation as any problem or questions occurs.

To globalize your business, USE:

  • Marketing strategies
  • SEO localization
  • Social Media
  • Linguistic help (for translation & localization)
  • Blog articles (also translated into several language)

In conclusion, sellers on e-Commerce sector need a large of globalization and localization processes to get ahead and make catchy steps. From slogan to product name, translating is everything in a market is one of the most significant elements from the point of e-commerce customers. Let’s dive into our solutions.